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Highlights from STU e-Coffee - 30 April 2020

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, all staff have been away from the ICTP campus for several weeks.

Despite this situation the STU Council has continued working and meeting remotely during the absence from the office.

As a result an eCoffee was organized on Thursday, 30 April at 1:30pm as an opportunity to greet each other, but also to discuss common concerns or new needs and ideas for the future.

Here are the highlights from the meeting:

1. STU contribution to Protezione Civile FVG was much appreciated by all. It is proposed that a second donation be made to a separate local charity. STU members to propose recipients.

2. Return to ICTP – it was noted that the return will be very gradual with staff encouraged to continue teleworking as long as possible. Security initiatives such as dispensers close to shared equipment (printers and scanners) were proposed.

3. M. Kareithi was invited to follow up with the  COVID 19 Committee regarding staff who are within categories at risk due to preceding health conditions and who may come to ICTP.

4. It was agreed that queries on how to deal with invited participants expecting to come to ICTP in the autumn, should be forwarded to the appropriate supervisor.

5. It was agreed to organize elections to the new STU/ICTP Council in time to begin their mandate by 1 July 2020.

6. Participants were encouraged to stand for elections and to encourage other STU members to become part of the organizational structure of the union.

7. Participants were reassured that there will be no repercussion on our salaries for the time spent away from the office.

8. STU Council informed that a query had been sent to Personnel regarding advance on End Of Service Allowance.

9. STU Council was invited to follow up on the “Review of Compensation for GS Staff” that was promised following the “Review of Compensation for P Staff” several years ago. The meeting ended at 14.35

Thank you again to those that managed to participate!


STU-ICTP council

Muthoni Kareithi (Staff Representative a.i.)

Koutou Mabilo

Cristina Simoes 

Paola Vespa (Treasurer)

Nicoletta Zar



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