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« February 2025 »

To Join

Staff Members (this includes Fixed Term Staff (FT), Project Appointments (PAs) and Temporary Appointments (TAs)).

If you are a staff member, please complete the Staff Membership form.

Membership fees
The monthly contribution rates for the membership in the STU-ICTP (derived from the rates originally applied by the IAEA Staff Association) are:
0.15% of the monthly net base salary for staff in the GS category;
0.15% of the monthly net base salary plus post adjustment for staff in the P and above categories.

Click here for the Staff Membership form.

SSAs, Temporary Contract Holders and Retirees
If you are not a staff member and you would like to join, please complete the Affiliated Membership form . The former STU Council made a very important amendment to the Local STU Statute, point 16, that reads:

"Any person of the secretariat working with the ICTP or TWAS under a contractual arrangement different from that of point 1) "Affiliation", of this Statute, may become Affiliated Members of the ICTP Local Section of the UNESCO Staff Union (STU). He/She shall request membership and pay a membership contribution of the amount of Euro 10.00. The fee covers a period of 12 months from January to December. Contributions of affiliated members will be kept in the Local Section bank account/investments and will be used to fund the Local Section's activities. The amount of the contribution may be changed, when deemed appropriate. Affiliated members shall be entitled to participate in the ICTP STU Local Section General Assembly and activities. Affiliated members cannot be nominated to or vote for any ICTP STU Local Section's office.

Affiliated members wishing to resign shall inform the ICTP-STU in writing by sending an email to:  cc. 

By officially contributing to the Local Section, more concrete help could be offered by the STU to fight for the rights of all staff - without discrimination of contract!

Membership fees
The fee is a fixed amount of 10 Euro per year for SSA and Non-Staff Temporary Contract Holders and it covers the solar year in which the affiliated member joins; this amount is non-refundable. The contribution should be sent to the ICTP STU bank account:

IBAN: IT24K0200802213000105019282

Account name: Sezione Locale ICTP del Sindacato del Personale UNESCO

Alternatively, you may send the amount to the ICTP/STU treasurer (E. Fermi Bldg. c/o Vivian Zaccaria), via internal mail to be deposited into the account. 

Once the payment has been done, please send an email to to inform us of this payment. We will then send you confirmation of the payment.

Click here for the Affiliated Membership form.

To become a member, please complete and submit the Membership form.

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