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Elia Matias- STU President visits ICTP

A big thank you to Elia, STU President for his visit and to all participants for joining us at the 2019 STU ICTP General Assembly on 17 April 2019.

Mr. Elia Matias, President of STU UNESCO Paris attended the STU-ICTP general assembly on 17 April 2019.

Find his presentation here and the HR Statistics from UNESCO HQ here.

The Agenda for the meeting was as follows:

  1.    Introduction by STU President and overview of situation at UNESCO, Paris;
  2.    Five-year contract extensions;
  3.    Job re-classifications (how and why);
  4.    Job descriptions (possibility to be updated every five years);
  5.    Updates on the mobility policy;
  6.    Explanation on use of different contracts (Project appointment versus Temporary Appointment);
  7.    Request for proposals from staff for activities related to well-being and/or team building, and  training on new software/social media use etc;
  8.    Approval of 2018 final budget (see here for file) and approval of temporary budget for 2019 (see here for file);
  9.    Any other matters;
  10.    To close - a toast and snacks to celebrate the five-year contact extensions.
Thank you to Elia for his visit and to all participants for joining us at the 2019 STU ICTP General Assembly
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