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Staff Assembly with President FICSA and President STU-Paris, Feb. 2, 2016

Dear STU Members, We would like to inform you that Mr. Diab Tabari (FICSA President) and Mr. Elia Matias (President STU-Paris ) have expressed their wishes to visit the ICTP and hold a Staff Assembly. We welcome them and thank them for having taken time from their busy schedule to visit our centre.

When Feb 02, 2016
from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Where Giambiagi Lec. Hall, AGH
Contact Name Lisa Iannitti
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 STU ICTP LOCAL SECTION                                                                        n. 01/2016


Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 11:00 a.m.
Giambiagi Lecture Hall - Adriatico Guesthouse, Conference Centre (Lower Level 1) 

Provisional agenda
        I.      Welcome

      II.       Mr. D. Tabari: FICSA overview (How it works and recent developments on staff issues), briefing on the 69th FICSA Council Meeting at ICAO, in Montreal (Jan. 25 - 29);

    III.        Mr. Elia Matias: STU-Paris activities and achievements, staff issues/concerns, budgetary issues and the like;

    IV.        Any other staff issues that may arise.

    If anyone would like an appointment with Mr. Matias or Mr. Tabari - plse write to before the assembly so can set up the appointments accordingly.

    PLEASE COME NUMEROUS! Supervisors are kindly requested to release staff and consultants where possible.
    ** A Buffet Luncheon will be served at 12:30 in the Adriatico Cafeteria for all our members.