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Objectives of STU

According to its statutes (Appendix 28 A of the Manual), STU's main objectives are:

  • to maintain and strengthen the unity of the staff of UNESCO as international civil servants;
  • to contribute to achieve the objectives defined in the Constitution of UNESCO;
  • to ensure that the working conditions of the staff are satisfactory and remain consistent with the principles of the Constitution, the Statute, and the Staff Rules and Regulations;   
  • to improve the working conditions of staff, oversee that the moral of the staff is kept high and support those members who are facing difficult situations;
  • to organize cultural and recreational activities for the staff of UNESCO;

STU is a member of the FICSA (Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations).

FICSA was founded in Paris in 1952 and is a federated group of 29 staff associations/unions from organizations belonging to the United Nations common system. Nine staff associations/unions outside the common system have associate status. Fifteen staff associations/unions are consultative members and twenty-five Federations of United Nations Staff Associations (FUNSA) are observers. The diversity of membership ensures that all staff in the field and at headquarters duty stations have the opportunity to exchange views and information about conditions of service; seek the Federation's assistance and support when difficulties arise; and organize collective action.

FICSA fosters the development of the international civil service in accordance with the principles set forth in the United Nations Charter and the constitutions of the specialized agencies. The Federation:

  • Defends staff rights
  • Ensures that equitable conditions of service for all common system staff are maintained at a level which will ensure the recruitment and retention of the most qualified people
  • Contributes to building a positive image of the international civil service

ICSC (International Civil  Service Commission  ( )
ICSC is an independent expert body established by the United Nations General Assembly. Its mandate is to regulate and coordinate the conditions of service of staff in the United Nations common system (e.g. establishment of daily subsistence allowance; schedules of post adjustment, i.e. cost-of-living element; hardship entitlements), while promoting and maintaining high standards in the international civil service.

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