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« March 2025 »

Welcome to the home page of the ICTP local section of STU-Paris

Defending your rights is not detrimental to the smooth running of the Institute and should not be interpreted as disloyalty to the Organization and its Director.

Freedom of association is a fundamental human right and international civil servants have the right to form and join associations, unions or other groupings to promote and defend their interests.

Elected staff representatives and Council have a cardinal role to play in the preservation of the best conditions of employment and work, as well as in all matters of staff welfare. Continuing dialogue between staff and management is indispensable and collective bargaining is of paramount importance. To reinforce this principle, support from STU members is instrumental.


What to you if your rights are threatened, ignored or violated? How does one protect and defend them? STU is here to enforce that! The main objective of STU is to defend the rights and interests of the Staff in general, while abiding by the Staff Regulations and the relevant texts applicable.

It does not matter how long your contract is or what type of contract you have, temporary contract holders included. Anyone who is employed by ICTP/TWAS, can become a member of STU-ICTP. The STU is open to all grades and categories. It is up to each individual to decide whether or not to join STU.


STU is a group of staff members helping other staff members!

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